– Anzeige –
Because of Covid-19, working from home has become of key importance for almost every company. And because of this, you’re in need of an engaged workforce that is happy to go the extra mile for your company.
Working from home sounds great and does come with a few pros for employees and the employer but as expected, there are also a few downsides. It’s important to not focus on the downsides but how you can counter this challenge. And this is where employee engagement comes into place.
What is employee engagement?
Employee engagement is basically that your employees are happy to work for you.
They have a clear understanding of their role and what is expected from them, they become energized by their work and are eager to help the company reach their main objectives.
What to do as an employer to maintain an engaged workforce?
Keep involving your employees during this crisis, it’s more important than ever to show them they have value to you and the company.
When possible ask for their input and this way they will invest more interested in the success of your company in general.
Show them that you trust them by not checking in on them every hour. Just let them do their thing and let the results speak. (When there are no results you should of course intervene).
Try to do something fun, organize a small videocall coffee break with the entire team where you have a chat about the weekend. This can be done in 10 minutes or less but will give great value in return.
From employee engagement to employee advocacy
Last but definitely not least, an engaged employee is happy to spread the positive word about your organization and this is of big value for you.
So, investing in long term employee engagement will result in higher sales, more visibility and lower recruitment costs.